Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Twilight Thanksgiving!

During Thanksgiving this was my favorite picture that was taken the whole weekend. Brian read the book on Thursday, we went to the movie on Friday. That night my family had a great time coming up with some ideas for some good Twilight T-shirts.....
  • My husbnd's sparklier than Edward
  • And you thought Victoria was a B*$#@!
  • My mini van is faster than Edwards Volvo
  • I make a casserole even Edward would eat
  • I want to be part of the Cullin-y....so Bite me!
  • Hey Edward...Utah's cloudy! ps-leave Bella in Forks
  • Forks sucks!
  • Alice, what's the stock market gonna do tomorrow?
  • I'll keep my bedroom window open for you Edward

At the time we thought we were hilarious....'Twilight' really brings a family together! Thanks Stephanie Meyer!


Natalie said...

I love this picture Rachel!
I love the mini-van one...you guys are very creative! This makes me want to read them again...lets do lunch again, that was too much fun.

emily j said...

I like the t-shirt ideas, you should start a business!

I just finished Eclipse today. So now I gotta get my hands on the next one.....do they get married, does she become a vampire?? I need to find out!!!

Degns Of Our Lives said...

Funny, still giggling!

Alyhead said...

Very nice...but as I recall, there were more...

Heather Ales said...

Oh my stars - what FANTASTIC ideas. LOVE them! If only anyone on my side would read the books. :)

Jessica said...

Sweet you got them up! But wait...no Nina?

Mark and Jo said...

You should totally start a business. I love them all!! Jo