Friday, February 29, 2008

A really good book!

So at my last month's book club the book picked was "The other Boleyn girl." One look at this book and I snubbed it because it is so dang long...650+ pages. I didn't read it. EVERYONE else at club read it and loved it and I felt like the snubbed one! So I gave in and decided to read it. WOW! What a guilty pleasure that book was. I couldn't put it down and read the whole thing in three days...I completely ignored my kids the whole time, and my husband...they were all getting so mad! The movie just came out today so I'm gonna go see it myself...that's how much I liked the book! Check out the trailor:

But even before I see it I can tell you that the book is way better! I liked it so much I got online after I finished reading it last night and educated myself on all the history of the 1500s the book follows the history very closely.

So if you are looking for a good read...check it out from your local library today!


rachel said...

sooooo.....just got back from the movie....not as good as the book at all...but it would be hard to cram 650 pages into an hour and a half movie. I love that I have to leave myself comments AND I go to the movies by myself...I'm such a loser!

Degns Of Our Lives said...

Guess Who? Cori's sister, CARA! She told me you started a blog and I got sooo excited!!! Hooray for blogging!

I can't believe you are pregnant with #4!!! The 2 I have wear me OUT but I love them. You must be amazing.

talonandanna said...

i'll have to check this book out! i'm always up for a good read. hey, we haven't ever done our game night.... :( i was thinking about that yesterday. we really should. which means i don't think you're a loser. :) LOL later.

Jill * Zane said...

BUCK! I've been thinking about leaving you a comment ever since I saw your blog announcement email, but then, you know, I get side-tracked and....
Congrats on joining the blogging world. In case you haven't already realized it, there are some serious psycho bloggers out there. My sister is one of them and she is always bugging me about blogging and pictures. But it's good to see what's going on with people, especially those you don't get to see often.

Jill * Zane said...

Oh, and congrats on baby #4! You've got such dang stinkin' cute kids! And thanks for the book recommendation; I've been dying for a REALLY good book lately.

Amanda said...

I am glad you did a movie review - I was wondering how it was! The movie looked a little racy on the advertisements. Was the book that way? I have been looking for something new to read. 1500 pages though...I might forget to feed my family for a week with a book that long!