Thursday, March 20, 2008

Check this out!

So I found this article writen a couple of years ago by a doctor about vaccines. It is so so so so very incredibly interesting. In the autism community there is a lot of controversy surrounding this topic. I'm not sure exactly where I stand....but reading this opened my eyes a little, that's for sure. Let me know what you think?

A User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule


wastachmom said...

There was a big development last week in this controversy. Have you seen this?

rachel said...

Thanks for sharing that...I hadn't seen it.

Jill * Zane said...

Very interesting... and I tend to agree more with this doctor than not. I'm thinking about using this vaccination schedule with my next kid (not pregnant by the way). I've always been weary of drugs and hate giving my kids anything that is not totally necessary. We should at least be allowed an informed decision.