Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A clean kitchen!!!!

I cleaned my kitchen yesterday....I mean really cleaned it! For me it seems like there is always a pile of papers somewhere or toys that just get left in a spot, or vitamins that don't get put away....and weeks go by. Maybe this is just an issue I have! To have my kitchen really cleaned is something that needs to be documented! By this morning of course it was messy again, but for that brief moment in time, all the stars and planets aligned in my favor!!!!!


Tiffany Unsworth said...

What a cool kitchen! I want a bar like that! It sounds like it's clean more often than mine! You are hilarious.

Jill * Zane said...

Oh my gosh, that is the story of my life! I don't want to move, but we are running out of room in our house and it is constantly cluttered! Congrats on that brief glimpse of cleanliness is next to Godliness (not counting life B.C. - before children).

Jill * Zane said...

your "i want your washer/dryer" comment made me laugh... it's the grass is always greener thing. I haven't been that crazy about them, to be honest. But I've heard good things about LG, so maybe we'll trade up soon. : ) oh, and I added your blog to my list. if you don't want others to see it, just let me know and I'll remove it.

Mark and Jo said...

Ya'll gotta read Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley aka fly lady...she'll change your life!!