Friday, March 28, 2008

E! siting!

See these you know what movie they are in????!!!!!!! I know you do...HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL! So the other day I'm sitting at the dinner table with the kids having our usual dinner..spagetti-no sauce-and listening to High school musical 1&2 soundtrack as background music, when the phone rings. "Who is it?" you ask. My sister Katy who is a massage therapist at 'The Grand America' hotel in SLC...the nicest hotel in town. She tells me she just massaged Corbin Bleu(Chad)!!! He got a couples massage with Monique Coleman(Taylor). Just in case your wondering....ya, she got to massage his head-said he has amazing hair! She said she saw the whole main cast, they'll be staying there until July while filming 'High school musical 3.' So if you're around downtown SLC, go hide behind a bush with your zoom lense and see if you can get some good shots!


Mariner SuperFan said...

Hi Rachel... I just found your blog and wanted to say hi! Good luck on the upcoming "event" ... hahaha...

The Garrido's said...

Hi Rachel, I just found you off of Jessica's blog. How stange is this!! I was told by Deanna Skinner that you were somewhere in Centerville/Bountiful area. I just live in Woods Cross. STRANGE STRANGE!!! Anyway, congratulations on the new arrival that will be coming shortly. It was soooo good to see and read about your lovely little family that is growing big. Hope you are doing well!!! Holly (webb) Garrido

Amanda said...

I keep waiting for a post announcing that you have given birth - the suspense is killing me!